Tuesday 27 May 2008

Sin Bordes

Sin Bordes   
Artist: Sin Bordes



Da Gaia   
 Da Gaia

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10


Jimmy Buffett continues to add wind to tour sails

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Abdul readying her comeback record

Abdul readying her comeback record

'American Idol' judge Paula Abdul has announced that she is planning to press release her first-class honours degree album in 13 years.
Hoarding reports that the as-yet-untitled album volition feature remixes of the singer's hits and freshly songs.
Abdul of late appeared on fellow 'American Idol' judge Randy Jackson's new album on the track 'Dance Like There's No Tomorrow'.
Commenting on her newly album, which she hopes to sack before Christmastide, Abdul said: "I will always be grateful for Randy getting me bet on into even the idea of helping me do this. I didn't see how a good deal I missed it."

Stars turn out for Empire Film Awards

Thursday 8 May 2008

Contagious Orgasm and Telepherique

Contagious Orgasm and Telepherique   
Artist: Contagious Orgasm and Telepherique



Crosses Deeply   
 Crosses Deeply

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 10


Nitin Sawhney

Wednesday 7 May 2008


Artist: Insomnium

   Metal: Death,Black


Above The Weeping World   
 Above The Weeping World

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 9

Since The Day It All Came Down   
 Since The Day It All Came Down

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 11

Insomnium is a

Deuter and Dr. G. Bayer

Deuter and Dr. G. Bayer   
Artist: Deuter and Dr. G. Bayer

New Age



   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 4



Artist: Summon

Metal: Death,Black


And the Blood Runs Black   
 And the Blood Runs Black

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 15


Ben Mills

Obituary: Tristram Cary

Obituary: Tristram Cary

The composer Tristan Cary, world Health Organization has died aged 82, was widely regarded as the beginner of Brits electronic medicine. While he also produced conventional workings, he realised early on on that a fresh contour of music could be constructed out of "pure" sound, of cancel or electronic origin, and that the ideal device for honing it was the tape measure fipple flute, developed in Deutschland during the second earth war. Though he did not eff it at first, similar experiments were taking seat at radio and telly studios in Paris and Eau de cologne, creating a distinctively postwar sound humans.

Tristram's number one electronic perpetration came in 1955, to go with the radio play The Japanese Fishermen, about a fishing boat caught up in the Pacific Ocean h bomb tests of 1954. His number one conventional piece to be performed was the Partita for Piano in 1947, and it was in 1955 once again that he made his breakthough into films, with the score for the classic Ealing comedy The Ladykillers.From then on, he produced act upon in both conventional and electronic disciplines, ofttimes combine the two, for concert mansion, movie house, television and radio. His films included Quatermass and the Cavity (1967) and Lineage from the Mummy's Tomb (1970), patch on goggle box his electronic sounds pushed Dr. Who's daleks on to the sieve for the first meter (1963), aboard conventional scads for Jane Lake Eyre (1963) and Madame Bovary (1964).For the Brits pavilion at Exposition '67 in Montreal, Tristan created a sound surround that included music for 16 film loops running concurrently. In the lapp year, he founded the electronic music studio apartment at the Royal College of Music, London, and built a similar facility for himself at the newly syndicate dwelling house in Fressingfield, Suffolk.Keen to create an legal instrument capable of producing controlled electronic sound for his compositions, Tristram then formed, on with Prick Zinovieff and David Cockerell, EMS (Electronic Music Studios) in 1969, and fix about co-designing what was to suit the VCS3 (Putney) synthesiser. The tool was equipped with scientific paul Vernier dials for the precise selection of frequency. It was before long joined by a small keyboard add-on, which infuriated approximately, bringing electronic music back to the 12-tone chromatic scale leaf from which it had been trying to escape. Even so, the VCS3 (and its 1971 derivative, the Synthi A - built, King James Bond-style, into an attache case) became the must-have puppet for a coevals of musicians, including Pink Floyd, Brian Eno, White Noise, Denim Michel Jarre and, of course of study, the BBC Radiophonic Shop.The third word of the novelist James Augustine Aloysius Joyce Cary and his married woman Gertrude, Tristram was max Born in Oxford. He left City of Westminster school early to sketch skill as an exhibitor at Messiah Church service, Oxford - his father, whose salary as a writer were modest, was anxious for his word to record a profession that offered financial security. But Tristram's studies were interrupted when he joined the Royal stag Navy as a radiolocation specializer from 1943 to 1946.The Cary household had incessantly been wax of music, with Tristram encyclopedism to act the forte-piano from an early old age, a spare-time activity that ran line of latitude with a keen pastime in tuner. In the navy, supported by the required breeding in electronics, he found his interest in music, connecting with the creation of scientific discipline. He returned to Oxford, swapped courses to ism, politics and economics, and graduated with a BA, earlier moving to British capital and enrolling at Sacred Trinity College of Music. In the evenings, he taught to top up his cash in hand, and started to work up his home studio.In July 1951, Tristram married Doris (Dorse) Jukes. They had deuce sons, Lav and Henry Martyn Robert, and a girl, Charlotte. Much of the folk home in John Griffith Chaney was rent to provide income for the struggling offspring composer's family, patch the corner of the living room in their have romani flat (always full of artists and musicians, peculiarly after close clock time) was precondition over to "the car", a selection compendium of electronic equipment, a great deal of it uS Army nimiety or home-built, including a disc-cutting lathe (on which Tristram had spent his £50 demob pay from the dark blue), mixing equipment, oscillators and (from 1952) an early tape recording recording equipment.By 1974, Tristram was frustrated by having to write commercial message music over the to a greater extent experimental whole kit and caboodle on which he wished to concentrate, and moved to Australia, pickings up a commandment post at Adelaide University, where he was later appointed honorary visiting research fellow, and awarded a doctor's degree of music. Dorse and Queen City joined him shortly before returning to England, and the duet before long divorced. In 1986, Tristram resumed self-employment, operating as Tristram Cary Creative Music Services, continuing to work on new commissions up until the time of his death. In 2003, he married Jane Delin, his "wonderful familiar" for about 20 old age.Tristan underwent mettle ring road surgical operation in 2001, after which he and I worked, crossways the continents, on a double CD of his Doctor of the Church WHO music. His re-recording of a suite from The Ladykillers south Korean won Acoustic gramophone magazine's best cinema music CD awarding in 1998. He as well produced Soundings, a aggregation of his electronic and electro-acoustic deeds besides a repeat CD. He was, however, disappointed never to have had a pip record.Those of us to whom his work was an stirring would disagree - he was a true pioneer, and for his services to Aboriginal Australian music received the Decoration of the Order of magnitude of Australia in 1991. He is survived by Dorse, Jane, and his trine children.· Tristan Cary, player, max Born English hawthorn 14 1925; died Apr 24 2008